Friday, August 21, 2009

Seven Day Challenge

So, why do I have a photo of canned pickles on my blog??? Well, I'm been trying to learn a little about food storage and one part of that is growing a garden and learning how to store it. With a lot of help from Dad, I planted a small garden this year and have been enjoying the fruits of our labor all summer. I actually learned how to make pickles and can them so that photo is of my first attempt. The pickles turned out great and we've been enjoying them this summer. Unfortunately, I didn't take photos of the garden so I won't have anything to post. Watch out next summer though! Dad and I are already making plans.

If you happen to be interested in learning about food storage, check out this website These are some incredible women who are working very hard to make food storage fun and interesting. You would be amazed at some of the recipes I've tried this summer. Meanwhile, my food storage closet is steadily filling up, slowly but surely. This is really handy when you are trying to feed eight people every day and not run to the grocery several times a week!

Click on the 7 day challenge button on the side of my blog if you are interested in seeing how prepared you are for an emergency.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Eating Watermelon!

Grandpa Jim grew some watermelons this summer so we enjoyed the fruits of the harvest. This wasn't the first one of the season but it was delicious! Andrew with his supersized bite. . .
Thomas cleaning it up to the rind. . .

Christin eating without braces finally!

Even one of the kitties joined in on the action.