Monday, April 26, 2010

Who took the camera?

When you have six children in the house, sometimes your things end up missing. Well, my camera was missing for a few days and could not be found. When I downloaded the photos, I found this-not once
not twice
not three times
not four times
but at least a dozen variations on a theme. Once of these days, they'll learn not to leave evidence when they "borrow" my things!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thomas' Butterfly

Thomas brought me this little butterfly that he found. Naturally I figured it was a little dead butterfly so we started to take a photo of it.

About the time I took a photo or two, the butterfly moved in his hand-maybe it was a breeze but he was not happy!

He was okay with leaving it on his pants as long as he didn't have to touch it!

Maybe this requires closer inspection.

Hmmm. let's pass it off to an unsuspecting cousin who was delighted to hold it!

Baby Goats!

Everyone has their own technique for holding baby goats but any way you do it, they are adorable. Seated has it's advantages for the patient.
Getting one in your arms without the legs sticking out is an achievement.
Cuddling a new baby goat is absolutely wonderful!
Two goats at a time is reserved for the pros!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Guess who showed up at our house???

The other day we had a few people over at our house so I wasn't surprised when the doorbell rang and I went to open the door. You have to understand that when the doorbell rings, the dog starts barking obnoxiously and about two or three children usually run to the door before I get there. This time when the door opened, Snow White was standing there! Of course, we invited here in and took some photos. What a surprise! The funniest part was when Andrew wanted to know why Snow White was driving our friend's truck???

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Family Connections

For most of my life, I've been interested in our family genealogy and have spent hours and hours searching through microfiche records, sitting in libraries all over the place and making tons of notes. Well, a couple of months ago, it was suggested that I try out the updated version of Family Tree Maker 2010. Wow, am I impressed! All those hours of searching through records have been compiled onto and is now at my fingertips through the use of my home computer. It's truly amazing to me. So. . .about a month ago--I was looking around at what other people have done of my great-grandmother's family and came across this photo. After a few minutes of intense scrutiny, I realized that I recognized two of the children sitting in the front row. I then quickly ran to my files and found. . . .

this photo of my grandmother and her brother dressed to serve as the flower girl and ring bearer. I was so amazed at what I just knew had to be part of my family.

So I sent the family photo to my aunt and grandmother (nearly 90 now) and asked her about the photo. She knew everyone in the photo and was able to identify each of them for me. The wedding is her big sister's wedding so not only is my grandmother in the photo, but also my great-grandmother and great-grandfather as well as my great-great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather! I couldn't believe my luck. Technology these days is simply amazing!