Friday, November 12, 2010

Veteran's Day 2010

Each Veteran's Day, Boy Scout Troop 132 works very hard helping out with the parade and Band-O-Rama to make sure things go a little smoother. This year they were joined by some boys from Troop 152 to get the numbers up to get the work done.

They meet at the Veteran's Hall at 5:30a.m. for breakfast with the veteran's. After thanking the veterans for their service, the boys headed out to the parade route where they set up barriers, fetched and carried for a variety of reasons then walked the parade route several times carrying banners and helping out.

At lunch time, everyone meets at the college stadium to prepare for Bandorama and have a quick lunch before working the event. Thanks to the moms-a hot lunch is provided for everyone although the seating arrangements are pretty casual.
No one goes hungry and everyone has plenty to eat before heading off to the event.
The carry a huge-King Kong flag around the stadium, escort the princesses and queen, help move benches and other props. It's a very long day for a terrific group of scouts.

Thanks guys for all the community service you do. You're a terrific asset to our community.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Entry to the Lego contest

Funny Santa in his sleigh with his elf in the back. Created especially for the Lego contest to create a holiday decoration for your home. Prize is $100.00 gift card for Legos! Wish us luck!


First time to take a photo of the Pez collection. These little things topple just like dominoes. Guess I'll have to find a stand or something to keep them standing up.
When the kiddos were little we would occasionally pick up a Pez as we were out and about. Over the years, the collection continues to grow. Always a big hit at our house.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Rifle Merit Badge

What a handsome guy instructing the boy scouts in the care and cleaning of a rifle!

Gary was the lead for the Rifle Merit Badge this October. He spent a few meetings instructing the boys in firearm safety, the rules and regulations of firearm shooting, care and cleaning of a rifle as well as several other requirements from the Boy Scouts of America merit badge book. Finally the big day arrived and the troop headed out to the local police shooting range.
Everyone had to wear their eye and ear protection and shoot from a prone position.
Lots of parents and leaders were on hand to ensure good, safe behavior while they took turns shooting.
Here's the group of boys that are working on completing the merit badge. Lucky guys to get to spend the day at the range!