Saturday, December 18, 2010

Trains on the Brain. . . .

Trains, trains and more trains were on the brain today.
Thanks to their big brothers they were able to work through the process and build their projects. The building area was pretty crowded so these two chose to work on the floor.

These two found a corner to build their project and got right to work. After the trains were completed we headed over to the local museum and visited the model train exhibit on display for Christmas.
This gentleman was kind enough to show Thomas how to work the controls for the entire layout. He must have the patience of a saint. Thomas was delighted and could barely keep from grabbing the controls.
He was delighted to watch the trains go around and around the layout. It really held his attention and interest.
Andrew barely tolerated having his photo taken but he loved watching the trains. Maybe we should build one like this at home! I think I know just the place in the house for it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas is Coming!

Then you gather around the tree for a post decorating photo. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to get everyone around the tree for a photo. What a crazy bunch!
A few soap bubbles and a Santa hat add to the festivities.

Beautiful Cousin

At Thanksgiving time, my beautiful cousin came for a visit from her home in Washington. She is such a pleasure to be around. When we heard she would be in town for a few days, we hurried over to see her and just hang out for a while.

Everyone wanted in the photos with Michelle and we cherish our time together. She is an inspiration to my teens as they sort through some of life challenges.
Just check out those happy faces. We love you, Michelle!