Monday, September 30, 2013

Morgan's Home!

Morgan came home for a quick visit this week-end and we all enjoyed seeing her.  We attended Mass together (well sort of).  Morgan sang in the choir and  James went up to sit with her.  Andrew and Thomas both served as altar servers so I sat in the pew by myself.  I really don't mind the chance for a little while to be alone while surrounded by people.  It's actually a nice chance for me to pray and think and listen to the homily without checking on the kiddos sitting next to me.  However, I do keep watch on them from the pew but there is nothing I can do if they make a mistake on the altar.  Just say my prayers and keep on going.  I pray for these children more than anything else.  I truly want the best for them and hope they will succeed in their chosen directions as they grow up.  Time certainly has passed by quickly but I'm glad for the chance to have them together again even if it is just for a day or week-end.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Another tooth has gone missing.  I knew when he left for school that it would probably come out that day and sure enough it did.  I warned his teacher of the possibility and wasn't at all surprised that he came home with a tooth in a baggie.  So he forgot to put it under his pillow that night.  Okay by me, as I wasn't prepared.  Next night he remembered but wanted to put it in a jar on his dresser to make it easier for the tooth fairy to find out.  She did find it after some searching and left a trail of gold glitter in the jar, on his bed a little and of course, on and under his pillow along with a set of window markers and a Lego minifig.  He was delighted with the glitter hunt as he checked the jar and only found glitter.  It took a while to look under the pillow but lo and behold there were the prizes.  The minifig turned out to be a scarecrow (you don't know for sure until you open it) which he liked.  Later I found out he was hoping for a beyblade but more on that another day.  I love this snaggle toothed smile and am expecting the other front tooth to go missing any day now-it's loose too.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Young Eagles

 Pilot Matt took Andrew up for his first flight in a Cessna 182.  Andrew was super excited and ready to go.
 The wait for flight was pretty quick.  We enjoyed the beautiful weather and watched several planes take off and land.  There were also a few helicopters at the airport too.
 Ready for take-off.
 Little brother ran to greet his big brother when he landed.
 Of course, one must be interviewed by the newspaper staff.  I'm wondering what comments will appear in the paper tomorrow.
 Thomas really didn't meet the age requirement but this kind pilot let him go on a short flight as he waited so patiently for his big brother and was really excited to go.
 This is the face of a happy little boy who just has to do everything big brother does.
Thanks so much to the Young Eagles program for making this available.  Maybe one or both of these boys will follow in your footsteps one day.