Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Insect Lore Bugseum

I have wanted to take this trip for the longest time but hesitated as I just didn't know what to expect.  I'm not much of a bug person but I was very interested in seeing where the butterflies were sent from so off we went.  The drive only took us about an hour from our house.  We had planned to meet Grandpa and Grandma there but they had a little trouble finding the place so we explored outside first.You cannot help but notice the HUGE ovesized bugs decorating the front of the Insect Lore building.  The boys were suddenly willing to have photos taken while we waited for Grandpa and Grandma to arrive.

 Ralphie took us on a tour of the bus museum taking several of the various "bugs" out for the children to gently touch while he explained about their habitats, diets and  behaviours.  Amazingly enough, the boys were willing to touch nearly everything starting with this millipede.  I even held it and it really tickles as the hundreds of teeny, tiny feet move across your hand.
 Ralphie explained quite a lot about the various bugs and held their attention the entire time.  I was suitably impressed with his ability to capture the interest of the quite young as well as the adults in the group.
 These little beetles have a very hard shell.
Good-bye Insect Lore Bugseum, hope to see you again sometime.  I hear there is are plane and train exhibits nearby so that's on the list for next time.

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