Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 2-My children-Morgan, James, Andrew and Thomas

Life would definitely not be the same without all of you.  I cannot believe how quickly the years have flown by and how much you've grown.  The days have often been very long throughout the years, but oh those years, where did they go?  Morgan-who first made me a mom and were such a sweet, beautiful girl.  You've grown up into such a wonderful young woman that I am so very proud of with all your accomplishments.  James-my huge baby boy.  You are growing and maturing each and every day.  I love the young man you are becoming.  Andrew-My second chance and a long awaited baby.  Your quick mind and inquisitiveness open new worlds for me.  Thomas-my sweet baby daredevil.  No mountain will be too high and no wall too steep for you to climb.  Each of you bring joy to my world even on the days when I'm too tired and grumpy to notice.  I cherish each and every one of you.

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