Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 29-A somewhat cleaner house

Having spent the last two days moving the furniture around and decorating a bit here and there and cleaning up the messes, I can finally sit in a room this evening and enjoy the view.  Yesterday, I just was going to put up some plates on the wall and unpack a few figurines which led to a china cabinet needing to be moved, which led to more cleaning.  Before the day was out yesterday, I had taken apart nearly the entire dining area, moved the china cabinet, stored the dishes, unpacked all the little figures for the nativity and the other figures as well.  So many memories contained in them.  Since I had moved the china cabinet, I needed to go ahead and clean up the mess which led to moving the sofas into a different room, which led to setting up the lamps and tables, which required another table to be moved.  Then to make it all fit, the computer had to be moved into another spot with hopes of connecting it to the television eventually-which I plan to move tomorrow.  So, I currently have two rooms done, the dining room and the front living room-well almost the front living room with the exception of the televison and the piano being moved.  So tonight, with an aching back, I'm ensconced on the sofa, reading a book and enjoying the new view and a clean room.  Just in case you are wondering what inspired this cleaning, moving frenzy-a simple question from my dear friends if I had ever finished that room and had I gotten settled over the past year.  I had to answer that I hadn't while I admired their lovely, comfortable home and an interesting bit of technology that connects the tv and computer.  The inspiration struck me that I should have this done by now and I really have no excuse for not feeling at home in my house so I got busy.  I'm so looking forward to tomorrow and having the family room cleaned up a bit and making it comfortable for our family.  This could get interesting.

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