Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 28-Morning Mass

Thanksgiving morning-we're up and the two youngest agree to attend mass with me.  While we still have the usual squabbling and searching for the lost shoes, we manage to get there on time.  

The boys both want to serve so I help them get their cassocks on and belted then stay with them while they wait for Fr. to arrive.

Just before mass time, Fr. Santiago shows up with Deacon Jim and Mr. Moon.  No other altar servers in sight so the boys step up and offer their help.  They are too small to carry the candles safely so they follow along and are given jobs to do.  The help with the water and wine, carry up the offering basket, do patens and all goes well.  This was a great way to start our Thanksgiving morning and I'm so thankful for the boys being willing to serve.

These photos are of three of the stations of the cross inside the church.  They are so beautiful.  Also, a new window has been added-Our Lady of Guadalupe.  It is stunning but I don't have a photo of it quite yet.

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