Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 22-Safe Travel and a 38 year wedding!

I traveled with three of the children to the coast this week-end in anticipation of a wedding.  I am so very thankful to have a GPS on my phone.  I really don't know what people like me, who do not have a good sense of direction, did without a GPS available to them while they are driving in unfamiliar parts of the state.  The state has also been doing quite a bit of road construction on the local highways and byways-widening the roads and paving them so they are nice and smooth.  We made it to the coast very safely and in plenty of time to attend the wedding.  My aunt and uncle have been married for thirty-eight years in a civil marriage.  It has long been a dream of theirs to be married in the church but since they had each been married previously, that wasn't possible without the dissolution of their first marriages.  After working on getting that resolved for years and years, they were finally able to celebrate their wedding on Saturday surrounded by lots of family and a few friends as well.  I'm so happy for them and wish them another thirty-eight years.  Congratulations Aunt Sherry and Uncle Jim.

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