Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 5-Our Home

As I woke up this a.m., snuggled under a down comforter, the house was cold and I didn't want to get out of bed.  I finally made my way to the shower and got dressed and began the day.  Andrew and Thomas got up, got dressed, had breakfast.  James woke without being called and got himself ready to go.  After I dropped everyone off at their respective schools, I'm home again and just reveling in the peace and quiet here this a.m.   Although our house is older and needs some fixing up, I'm so glad to be here.  This is where home is for now and I'm content with it.  I spent some time cleaning in the kitchen yesterday then cooking hamburgers for our family and another family that recently had twins.  I thoroughly enjoy just being home.  One day the kids will be grown and on their own.  I'm hoping there won't be as much cleaning up but for now I cherish the time I have left with my little family in our home.  Doing the laundry and dishes, cleaning up is all part of raising a family.  I'm so thankful to have a home to do it in.

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